Txt2tags Changelog - 20021220 v1.3: - new Txt2tags User Guide document - new mark `` for RAW strings (pass-thru txt2tags parsing) {thanks Leslie Harlley Watter @ .br for requesting} - new %!encoding: command to specify the document charset - new 'contrib' dir for user contributed stuff - improvements on SGML target: now using and - added '$' and '@' chars to the URL matcher, so http://this.is/valid@$99 {thanks Hubert Chan @ .ca for pointing} - Sanity: removed from code structures marked as obsoleted on v1.1 - Sanity: removed \email{} tag from LaTeX headers. Using \url{}. - Sanity: \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} is not default anymore on LaTeX headers. If needed, use new encoding command. - Bugfix: LaTeX target added on the Web Interface menu - Bugfix: \n, \t and other special pairs escaped under `inline mono` - Bugfix: TOC anchor respecting maximum TOC level - Bugfix: beautifiers not parsed on TOC items - Bugfix: special chars not double escaped on TOC items - 20021203 v1.2: - new 'tex' target (for LaTeX documents) {thanks Leslie Harlley Watter @ .br for making it} - now multiple source files can be specified on the command line as txt2tags -t html *.t2t {thanks Maksim Ischenko @ malva.ua for the idea} - URL matcher was improved and now gets valid insane paths as http://this.com/// and http://this.com?var=abc#anchor {thanks Hubert Chan @ .ca for pointing} - added a COPYING file on the tarball, with the GPL license - added a handy unhtml.vim script to the extras directory, to convert by brute force an HTML file to a txt2tags file on Vim. - Bugfix: special chars escaped on link label - 20021106 v1.1: - images can now point to links, as: [[img.gif] www.abc.com] - new foldmethod=syntax rules on the Vim syntax file {thanks Peter Valach @ gmx.net for requesting} - now any non-table line closes a table (blank line or not) - begin of the major code-cleanup (aka complete rewrite) {thanks EVERYBODY ;) for requesting} - Sanity: new RULE for headers: if the very first line of the file is blank, this means 'this file has no header information' - Sanity: new comment char: % at the line begining (no leading spaces!) - Sanity: marks are not parsed on title lines {thanks Maksim Ischenko @ malva.ua for pointing} - Sanity: // as comment mark is obsoleted, due conflicts with italic mark. will be removed on version 1.3 - Sanity: TAB-made tables are marked as obsoleted, will be removed on version 1.3. Use the PIPE-made tables instead. - Sanity: removed support for filename with spaces on the image mark, due conflicts with named URL mark, [like this.gif] - new temporary option --fixme to update obsoleted structures and automatically fix all this Sanity changes - Bugfix: --noheaders now act just as 'supress headers from output', and not 'treat headers as plain text' - Bugfix: trailing . is now part of the URL when it contains anchor location or form data (as #abc. and ?var=abc.) - Bugfix: trailing / added to the URL matcher (as www.abc.com/) {thanks Rubens Queiroz @ unicamp.br for requesting} - Bugfix: title with \ char now is correctly handled - 20020925 v1.0: - new Graphical Tk Interface - fixed target file format on Windows and Mac platforms - TOC deepness now is limited to level 3 - RULES file sync'ed with actual rules (sorry!) {thanks Grigory Bakunov @ asplinux.ru for requesting} - ChangeLog (this file) is now a txt2tags file {thanks Grigory Bakunov @ asplinux.ru for suggesting} - added underscore char _ to anchor on URL regex - Bugfix: Closing any open list or table at EOF - Bugfix: HTML anchor name have no # {thanks Grigory Bakunov @ asplinux.ru for pointing} - 20020823 v0.9: - now txt2tags is a 100% pure python script. the bash part has gone so now it runs nicely on MS Windows and other python aware platforms {thanks Ramon Felciano @ ingenuity.com for requesting} - new --toc and --toconly options to generate Table Of Contents - defined .t2t as the oficial txt2tags file extension {thanks Leslie Harlley Watter @ .br for requesting} - txt.vim file renamed to txt2tags.vim, and added instructions - now titles are underlined on target txt {thanks Ramon Felciano @ ingenuity.com for requesting} - cmdline used to generate the document is inserted as a comment on it - tarball reorganized, adding 'extras' and 'samples' directories - Bugfix: when all ok, force system exit status to 0 {thanks Marcelo Subtil Marcal @ conectiva.br for pointing} - 20020703 v0.8: - new abuseme.txt complex sample file (test-suite) - new smart image align feature for HTML (see abuseme.t2t) {thanks Rubens Queiroz @ unicamp.br for requesting} - new --maskemail option to hide email from SPAM robots {thanks Rubens Queiroz @ unicamp.br for requesting} - table now can have border or no on HTML - improvements on txt.vim syntax file, now colors works on gui also - image mark can't accept filename with spaces (conflicts named link) - Bugfix: parse more than one %%date on the same line - Bugfix: special chars now escaped inside preformatted - Bugfix: closing quote mark was kinda broken - 20020620 v0.7: - new Emacs syntax highlight file for txt2tags rules {thanks Leslie Harlley Watter @ .br for making it} - new mark for definition lists (
on html) - now adding protocol to guessed link like www.abc.com - explicit link mark changed from ["label" url] to [label url] in other words, quotes are not necessary anymore - image mark now correctly handles filenames with space for html - corrected typos on sample.txt file {thanks Rodrigo Stulzer @ conectiva.br for pointing} - named links now can point to local links as file.html, #anchor and file.html#anchor {thanks Rubens Queiroz @ unicamp.br for requesting} - 20020410 v0.6: - tables are now supported for sgml and moin targets - new --enumtitle option to enumerate all titles as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc - added numbered list type for all targets, the mark is '+ ' - better pre-formatted font escaping (won't parse marks) - URL matcher now supports ftp://user:passwd@domain.com login URLs and user@domain.com?subject=test&cc=me@domain.com filled emails {thanks Rubens Queiroz @ unicamp.br for requesting} - 20020322 v0.5: - new handy Web interface to use it online (internet or intranet) - new --noheaders option to suppress headers information - now it can read the marked text from STDIN (specify - as file) - adapted to work on python old v1.5 also - 20020311 v0.4: - new simple table support (just for HTML by now) - fixed lots of bugs on the man target, now it's kinda usable - the preformatted line mark must have a space after the dashes: '--- ' - the preformatted line now has leading spaces - added the classic -h, --help, -V and --version options - URL matcher is smarter, suporting #local_anchors and ?form=data {thanks Rubens Queiroz @ unicamp.br for requesting} - 20011109 v0.3: - new explicit URL/email mark with label: ["my label" http://duh.com] {thanks Mark Stankus @ calpoly.edu for requesting} - date macro now supports format string like %% date(%m/%d/%Y) {thanks Mark Stankus @ calpoly.edu for requesting} - 20011001 v0.2: - new 'man' target - nice shell wrapper to deal with files/directories/options. in fact, the python code is now "embeded" on the sh script. - new --lang, --split options (for sgml2html) - 20010726 v0.1: - initial release