### Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Jesper K. Pedersen ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. proc jobs {} { # jobs Desc "Here you configure tcsh's job control. For more information on job"\ "related command see the \"jobs\" sections in the tcsh manual." ShortDesc "Configuration on job related commands" ############################### Widgets ############################## CheckBox listjobs \ -text "list all jobs when a job is suspended" CheckBox longformat \ -text "Use long format for job list" CheckBox notify \ -text "notify job completion asynchronously" \ -default 1 Line l1 Int seconds \ -text "Lower limit of cpu seconds before printing time info" Line l2 FillOutElm U \ -text "The time the processor spent in user mode" \ -show {print "\[User Time\]"} \ -save "print %U" FillOutElm S \ -text "The time the processor spent in kernel mode" \ -show {print "\[Kernel Time\]"} \ -save "print %S" FillOutElm E \ -text "The Elapsed time (wall clock)" \ -show {print "\[Real Time\]"}\ -save "print %E" FillOutElm P \ -text "The CPU percentage" \ -show {print "\[CPU percentage\]"} \ -save "print %P" FillOutElm W \ -text "The number of times the process was swapped" \ -show {print "\[\#swapped\]"}\ -save "print %W" FillOutElm X \ -text "Average amount in (shared) text space used" \ -show {print "\[shared space\]"} \ -save "print %X" FillOutElm D \ -text "Average amount in (unshared) data/stack space used" \ -show {print "\[unshared space\]"} \ -save "print %D" FillOutElm K \ -text "Total spaced Used" \ -show {print "\[total space\]"}\ -save "print %K" FillOutElm M \ -text "Maximum amount of memory the processor had in use at any time"\ -show {print "\[max memory\]"}\ -save "print %M" FillOutElm F \ -text "The number of major page fault" \ -show {print "\[major page Fault\]"} \ -save "print %F" FillOutElm R \ -text "The number of minor pages fault" \ -show {print "\[minor page fault\]"} \ -save "print %R" FillOutElm I \ -text "The number of input operations" \ -show {print "\[input operations\]"} \ -save "print %I" FillOutElm O \ -text "The number of output operations" \ -show {print "\[output operations\]"} \ -save "print %O" FillOutElm r \ -text "The number of socket messages received" \ -show {print "\[socket messages received\]"} \ -save "print %r" FillOutElm s \ -text "The number of socket messages sent" \ -show {print "\[socket messages sent\]"} \ -save "print %s" FillOutElm k \ -text "The number of signals received" \ -show {print "\[signal received\]"} \ -save "print %k" FillOutElm w \ -text "The number of voluntary context switches (waits)" \ -show {print "\[waits\]"} \ -save "print %w" FillOutElm c \ -text "The number of involuntary context switches" \ -show {print "\[in-waits\]"} \ -save "print %c" FillOut time \ -text "Format of the time string" \ -entries {U S E P W X D K M F R I O r s k w c} \ -default "%U%u %S%s %E% %P% %X%+%D%k %I%+%O%io%F%pf+%W%w"\ -listbox:width 60 ################################ Help ################################ Help listjobs \ "If this option is selected, all jobs which are suspended or"\ "in the background are listed when a job is stopped with Ctrl-Z" Help longformat \ "In the long format, working directory and process id are"\ "printed as well as the information in the short format,"\ "which are job number, job name, status (Running/Suspended)" Help notify \ "If this option is set, the shell tells you, that a job is"\ "finished at once, otherwise it will wait until the next prompt"\ "is shown" Help seconds \ "This is the amount of time that the process has to use,"\ "before the time builtin will execute. Blank means never execute"\ "the time builtin" Help U \ "This is the time the cpu spent in user mode (in seconds)\n"\ "user mode is the total amount of time the cpu has used on the process" Help S \ "This is the time the processor spent in kernel mode in seconds" Help E \ "this is the total amount of seconds that the processor has used"\ "for the process." Help P \ "This is calculated as (user mode time + kernel time) /"\ "wall clock time" Help X \ "This amount is in Kilobytes" Help D \ "This amount is in Kilobytes" Help K \ "This is in Kilobytes and is calculated as:\n"\ "average shared + average unshared" Help M \ "This is in Kilobytes" Help F \ "This is the number of pages needed to be brought from disk"\ "due to a page fault" Help time \ "This is the format, that the builtin command \"time\" will use to"\ "print. The \"time\" command, can either be invoked explicit with"\ "\"time \" or implicit, if the lower limit, above, is set." ############################### Change ############################### Change { switch $changeElm { listjobs { if {$listjobs} { Enable longformat } else { Disable longformat } } } } ################################ Save ################################ Save { ########## listjobs ########## if {$listjobs || $generateDefault} { if {!$listjobs} { print "unset listjobs" } else { if {$longformat} { print "set listjobs=long" } else { print set listjobs } } } ########## notify ########## if {$notify || $generateDefault} { print "[pick $notify set unset] notify" } ########## time ########## if {$seconds != "" || $generateDefault} { if {$time != "%Uu %Ss %E %P %X+%Dk %I+%Oio%Fpf+%Ww" || $generateDefault} { if {$time == "%Uu %Ss %E %P %X+%Dk %I+%Oio%Fpf+%Ww" && $seconds == ""} { print "unset time" } else { print "set time = ($seconds \"$time\")" } } else { print "set time = $seconds" } } } }