Summary: Maxima Symbolic Computation Program Name: maxima Version: 5.5 Release: 2 Copyright: GPL Group: Development/Languages Source0: Source1: %description Maxima is a full symbolic computation program. It is full featured doing symbolic manipulation of polynomials, matrices, rational functions, integration, Todd-coxeter, graphing, bigfloats. It has a symbolic debugger source level debugger for maxima code. Maxima is based on the original Macsyma developed at MIT in the 1970's. It is quite reliable, and has good garbage collection, and no memory leaks. It comes with hundreds of self tests. William Schelter at University of Texas, has been responsible for development since the mid 1980's. See for more information. He has recently been able to get DOE to allow him to distribute Maxima under the GPL. %prep %setup -b 1 %build MAXIMA_DIR=`pwd` GCL=`echo ${MAXIMA_DIR}/../gcl*` #build gcl cd ${GCL} ./configure make #build maxima after setting up the paths cd ${MAXIMA_DIR} # grab emacs lisp directory where we will put .el files: EMACS_SITE_LISP=/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/maxima # fix the directories for Red Hat cat | sed -e "s:GCLDIR=.*:GCLDIR=${GCL}:g" \ -e "s:^MAXDIR=.*:MAXDIR=${MAXIMA_DIR}:g" \ -e "s:^PREFIX_DIR=.*:PREFIX_DIR=/usr:g" \ -e "s:^INFO_DIR=.*:INFO_DIR=/usr/share/info:g" \ -e "s:^MAN_DIR=.*:MAN_DIR=/usr/share/man/man1:g" \ -e "s:^EMACS_SITE_LISP=.*:EMACS_SITE_LISP=${EMACS_SITE_LISP}:g" > configure chmod a+x configure ./configure make %install # establish directories: MAXIMA_DIR=`pwd` GCL=`echo ${MAXIMA_DIR}/../gcl*` EMACS_SITE_LISP=/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/maxima if test -d ${EMACS_SITE_LISP} ; then true ; else mkdir ${EMACS_SITE_LISP} ; fi make install # copy .el files from gcl also, they are needed, and (cd ${GCL}/elisp ; tar cvf - *.el) | (cd ${EMACS_SITE_LISP} ; tar xvf -) START=${EMACS_SITE_LISP}/../site-start.el # add the path where we put the maxima .el files, and # add autoloads if fgrep maxima ${START} > /dev/null ; then true ; else cat ${MAXIMA_DIR}/elisp/add-defaults.el >> ${START} echo "(setq load-path (cons \"${EMACS_SITE_LISP}\" load-path))" >> ${START} fi %files %doc README COPYING /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/maxima /usr/lib/maxima-5.5 /usr/share/info/maxima* /usr/share/man/man1/maxima.1 /usr/bin/maxima /usr/bin/xmaxima %postun cat /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el | sed -e '/BEGIN maxima/,/lisp\/maxima/d' > foo cp foo /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el rm -f foo