
The K Desktop Environment
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6. Using QextMDI for KDE2 applications and for Qt-2.x applications

QextMDI can be used for 2 different developer systems. It only depends on the way you have compiled QextMDI. As result of your compilation you will get either a QextMDI library that is linked with Qt only or which is linked with Qt and the KDE2 library (the GUI extension library of KDE2).

In case of a QextMDI linked against Qt all QextMDI classes bases on Qt, only. The mainframe class QextMdiMainFrm is a special QMainWindow, the MDI-view taskbar class QextMdiTaskBar is a special QToolBar and the application object of your program (which uses QextMDI) will base on QApplication. A pure Qt application so to speak.

But if you have QextMDI compiled for KDE2, it will mean QextMdiMainFrm is a special KMainWindow, QextMdiTaskBar is a special KToolBar and the application object of the program which uses our MDI library has to inherit the class KApplication. In that state QextMDI is a full KDE2-based library, it uses the GUI controls of KDE and will look like a KDE2 application.

How can I compile QextMDI for the different modes?
QextMDI for Qt only QextMDI for KDE2
cd $(QEXTMDIDIR) Change to the QextMDI directory
./configure Generate the Qt Makefiles (examples, too)
It actually calls:
tmake -o Makefile
tmake -o Makefile
tmake -o Makefile
cd qextmdi
make clean Clean from temp. files
make Compile the library and the examples
cd $(QEXTMDIDIR) Change to the QextMDI directory
./configure -kde2 Generate the KDE2 Makefiles (examples, too)
It actually calls:
tmake -o Makefile
tmake -o Makefile
tmake -o Makefile
cd qextmdi
make clean Clean from temp. files
make Compile the library and the examples
If you compile QextMDI as KDE2-depending library, your application has to use KMainWindow. It is not possible to use such a QextMDI for Qt-only applications.

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