
Figurine 1.0 Manual

Arc Section of Circle Tool

This tool can be used to draw two different kinds of arc sections of a circle. First click where the centre of the arc section is (the centre of the corresponding circle). Then size the circle from which the section is to be taken and click again.
A bullet will now appear. Rotate the bullet around the circle by moving the mouse left and right. Click to to set the starting point of the arc. Click again to set the end point of the arc.
Arc sections of ellipses cannot be drawn, due to a limitation of fig2dev.

You can set the type of arc to open or closed using the arc settings pop-up menu [o] ().
Open arcs are simply the arc section itself in the current line settings. A closed arc resembles a pie-slice, and is filled with the current fill settings.
You cannot set arrows for the closed arc type.
