/* * jBoss, the OpenSource EJB server * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package org.jboss.deployment; import java.net.URL; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.io.File; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.metadata.XmlFileLoader; /** A class intended to encapsulate the complex task of making an URL that * points to an J2ee module an installed Deployment. * * @author Daniel Schulze * @author Scott.Stark@jboss.org * @version $Revision: $ */ public class LegacyInstaller implements Installer { // Constants ----------------------------------------------------- // Attributes ---------------------------------------------------- // the basedir of this Deployment within the InstallerFactories baseDir File baseDir; // the URL to install URL src; // the resulting Deployment Deployment d; // the log4j category for output Logger log; // to get the Log and the temprary deployment dir InstallerFactory factory; // flag to not run execute twice boolean done; //copy buffer we'll re-use for copying from //an InputStream source to an OutputStream dest private byte[] copyBuffer; // Static -------------------------------------------------------- static int counter = 1000; /** Number generator for temporary files. * @return a new number on each call */ private static int nextNumber() { return ++counter; } // Constructors -------------------------------------------------- public LegacyInstaller() { } // Public -------------------------------------------------------- /** performes the complex task of installation * @return the installed Deployment on success * @throws J2eeDeploymentException * @throws IOException */ public Deployment execute(InstallerFactory factory, URL src) throws J2eeDeploymentException, IOException { if (done) throw new IllegalStateException("this object ("+src+")is already executed."); this.factory = factory; log = factory.log; this.src = src; File localCopy = null; d = new Deployment(); d.name = getName(src.toString()); // is needed for redeployment purposes d.sourceUrl=src; // baseDir = new File(factory.baseDir, d.name); d.localUrl = baseDir.toURL(); try { localCopy = makeLocalCopy(); // // we include the manifest into the deployment try { d.manifest=new JarFile(localCopy).getManifest(); } catch(IOException e) { // wrecked manifest is ignored } // // determine the type... int type = determineType(new JarFile(localCopy)); log.info("Create application " + d.name); switch (type) { case Deployment.EJB_MODULE: { // just install the package log.info("install EJB module "+d.name); File f = install(new FileInputStream(localCopy), "ejb"); // Check for libs declared int the EJB jar manifest JarFile jar = new JarFile(f); Manifest mf = jar.getManifest(); URL[] libs = resolveLibraries(mf, src); URL localJar = f.toURL(); d.addEjbModule(d.name, localJar, libs); } break; case Deployment.WAR_MODULE: { /* Build a default webContext based on the deployment war name. We have to do this here because the warURL passed to the WAR deployer is the local copy war name. We could change the deployment interface to include the full deployment info as is done in 3.x, but this will work for now. We simply pass the original name of the war file as the context root with a leading null '\0' character. The WAR deployer has to understand this wacked */ String webContext = "" + '\0' + d.name; log.info("inflate and install WEB module "+d.name); // just inflate the package and determine the context name File f = installInflate(new FileInputStream(localCopy), "web"); // Check for libs declared int the WAR jar manifest URL[] libs = {}; try { InputStream mfIn = new FileInputStream(new File(f, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")); Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIn); libs = resolveLibraries(mf, src); } catch (FileNotFoundException _fnfe) { // No manifest } URL localJar = f.toURL(); d.addWebModule(d.name, webContext, localJar, libs); } break; case Deployment.EAR_MODULE: { // reading the deployment descriptor... JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(localCopy); J2eeApplicationMetaData app = null; try { InputStream in = jarFile.getInputStream(jarFile.getEntry(files[type])); XmlFileLoader xfl = new XmlFileLoader(); Element root = xfl.getDocument(in, files[type]).getDocumentElement(); app = new J2eeApplicationMetaData(root); in.close(); } catch (IOException _ioe) { throw new J2eeDeploymentException("Error in accessing application metadata: "+_ioe.getMessage()); } catch (DeploymentException _de) { throw new J2eeDeploymentException("Error in parsing application.xml: "+_de.getMessage()); } catch (NullPointerException _npe) { throw new J2eeDeploymentException("unexpected error: application.xml was found once but not a second time?!"); } // iterating the ejb and web modules and install them File f = null; J2eeModuleMetaData mod; ArrayList ejbJars = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = app.getModules(); while (it.hasNext()) { // iterate the ear modules mod = (J2eeModuleMetaData) it.next(); if (mod.isEjb()) { String name = mod.getFileName(); log.info("install EJB module "+name); try { String ejbJarName = mod.getFileName(); InputStream in = jarFile.getInputStream(jarFile.getEntry(ejbJarName)); f = install(in, "ejb"); // Check for libs declared int the EJB jar manifest JarFile jar = new JarFile(f); Manifest mf = jar.getManifest(); URL jarURL = new URL("jar:file:"+localCopy.getAbsolutePath()+"!/"); URL[] libs = resolveLibraries(mf, jarURL); URL localJar = f.toURL(); d.addEjbModule(name, localJar, libs); ejbJars.add(localJar); } catch (IOException _ioe) { throw _ioe; } catch (NullPointerException _npe) { log.info("module "+name+" not found in "+d.name); throw new J2eeDeploymentException("module "+name+" not found in "+d.name); } } else if (mod.isWeb()) { String name = mod.getFileName(); String webContext = mod.getWebContext(); log.info("inflate and install WEB module "+name); try { InputStream in = jarFile.getInputStream(jarFile.getEntry(name)); f = installInflate(in, "web"); // Check for libs declared int the WAR jar manifest URL[] libs = {}; try { InputStream mfIn = new FileInputStream(new File(f, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")); Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIn); URL jarURL = new URL("jar:file:"+localCopy.getAbsolutePath()+"!/"); libs = resolveLibraries(mf, jarURL); } catch (FileNotFoundException _fnfe) {} URL localJar = f.toURL(); d.addWebModule(name, webContext, localJar, libs); } catch (IOException _ioe) { throw _ioe; } catch (NullPointerException _npe) { log.info("module "+name+" not found in "+d.name); throw new J2eeDeploymentException("module "+name+" not found in "+d.name); } } // other packages we dont care about (currently) } // put all ejb jars to the common classpath too if( ejbJars.size() > 0 ) log.info("add all ejb jar files to the common classpath"); for(int e = 0; e < ejbJars.size(); e ++) { URL jar = (URL) ejbJars.get(e); d.commonUrls.add(jar); } } break; } saveConfig(); } catch (Exception _ex) { // ooops something went wrong - clean up unfinished installation... try { deleteRecursive(baseDir); } catch (Exception _e) { log.debug("couldnt remove unused files in "+baseDir.getAbsolutePath()+": "+_e.getMessage()); } if (_ex instanceof J2eeDeploymentException) throw (J2eeDeploymentException) _ex; if (_ex instanceof IOException) throw (IOException) _ex; log.error("unexpected exception occured", _ex); throw new J2eeDeploymentException("unexpected exception occured (see server trace)"); } finally { // mark as done done = true; // finally try to remove the localCopy // must be changed to make really sure it is finally done!!! try { if (localCopy != null) localCopy.delete(); } catch (Exception _e) { log.debug("couldnt remove temporary copy "+localCopy+": "+_e.getMessage()); } } return d; } // Private ------------------------------------------------------- /** Determines the type (ejb/war/ear) of the given JarFile by trying to access * the deployment descriptor. * @param _file the JarFile to test * @return the number (0-2) of the matched deployment descriptor taken from the * file class member. * @throws J2eeDeploymentException in case not descriptor was found. */ private int determineType(JarFile _file) throws J2eeDeploymentException { int result = -1; // trying to access the possible descriptor files ZipEntry dd = null; for (int i = 0; i < files.length && dd == null; ++i) { dd = _file.getEntry(files[i]); result = i; } // nothing found... if (dd == null) { // no descriptor found ... // lets seek if the app assembler is a little ??? Enumeration e = _file.entries(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { dd = (ZipEntry)e.nextElement(); String name = dd.getName(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(files[i])) throw new J2eeDeploymentException("no deployment descriptor found but file that could be ment as: "+name+" <-> "+files[i]); } // really nothing found throw new J2eeDeploymentException("no deployment descriptor ("+files[0]+", "+files[1]+", "+files[2]+") found"); } return result; } /** Downloads the jar file or directory the src URL points to. * In case of directory it becomes packed to a jar file. * @return a File object representing the downloaded module * @throws IOException */ private File makeLocalCopy() throws IOException { URL dest = null; if (src.getProtocol().equals("file") && new File(src.getFile()).isDirectory()) { dest = URLWizzard.downloadAndPackTemporary(src, factory.baseDir.toURL(), "copy", ".zip"); } else { dest = URLWizzard.downloadTemporary(src, factory.baseDir.toURL(), "copy", ".zip"); } return new File(dest.getFile()); } /** Resolves all Class-Path: entries from the Manifest * @param mf the Manifest to process * @param baseURL the URL to which the Class-Path entries will be relative @return URL[] the array of URLs for the valid Class-Path entries */ private URL[] resolveLibraries(Manifest mf, URL baseURL) { String classPath = null; if( mf != null ) { Attributes mainAttributes = mf.getMainAttributes(); classPath = mainAttributes.getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH); } URL[] libs = {}; if (classPath != null) { ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(classPath); log.debug("resolveLibraries: "+classPath); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String tk = st.nextToken(); try { URL lib = new URL(baseURL, tk); URL baseDir = factory.baseDir.toURL(); URL localURL = URLWizzard.downloadTemporary(lib, baseDir, "lib", ".jar"); tmp.add(localURL); log.debug("added "+lib+" to common classpath"); } catch (IOException _ioe) { log.warn("Failed to add "+tk+" to common classpath: "+_ioe.getMessage()); } } libs = new URL[tmp.size()]; tmp.toArray(libs); } return libs; } /** Creates a temporary jar file from the InputStream with the given _prefix in its name. * @param _in an InputStream of a jar/zip file * @param _prefix name prefix for the temporary file (prefix<number>.jar) * @return a File representing the newly created jar file * @throws IOException */ private File install(InputStream _in, String _prefix) throws IOException { File result = createTmpFile(baseDir, _prefix, ".jar"); copy(_in, new FileOutputStream(result), true); return result; } /** Same as install() but inflates the jar file. * @param _in the Inputstream of an jar/zip file * @param _prefix the name prefix for the temporary directory that will become created * @return a File representing the newly created directory * throws IOException */ private File installInflate(InputStream _in, String _prefix) throws IOException { File result = createTmpDir(baseDir, _prefix); inflate(new ZipInputStream(_in), result); return result; } /** Serializes the Deployment object. * @throws IOException */ private void saveConfig() throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(baseDir, J2eeDeployer.CONFIG))); out.writeObject(d); out.flush(); out.close(); } /** Truncates the the name (the last cluster of letters after the last slash. * @param _url an URL or something like that */ private String getName(String _url) { String result = _url; if (result.endsWith("/")) result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1); result = result.substring(result.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); return result; } /** * Get the copy buffer (create new if null) */ private byte[] getCopyBuffer() { if (copyBuffer == null) { copyBuffer = new byte[1024*1024]; } return copyBuffer; } /** Writes all from one stream into the other. * @param _in the source * @param _out the destination * @param _closeInput indicates if the source stream shall be closed when finished * (the dest stream gets closed anyway) * @throws IOException */ private void copy(InputStream _in, OutputStream _out, boolean _closeInput) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = getCopyBuffer(); int read; while (true) { read = _in.read(buffer); if (read == -1) break; _out.write(buffer, 0, read); } _out.flush(); _out.close(); if (_closeInput) _in.close(); } /** Infaltes a jar/zip file represented by the given stream into the given directory. * @param _in the jar/zip file to extract * @param _destDir the root dir for the extracted jar/zip * @throws IOException */ private void inflate(ZipInputStream _in, File _destDir) throws IOException { if (_destDir.exists()) deleteRecursive(_destDir); _destDir.mkdirs(); OutputStream out; ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = _in.getNextEntry()) != null) { String name = entry.getName(); if (!entry.isDirectory()) // there are not all directories listed (?!)- so this way... { // create directory structure if necessary // System.out.println ("entry: "+name); int x = name.lastIndexOf("/"); if (x != -1) { File dir = new File(_destDir, name.substring(0, x)); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs(); } // and extract... File file = new File(_destDir, name); out = new FileOutputStream(file); copy(_in, out, false); // Preserve the last modified time if it exists long time = entry.getTime(); if( time > 0 ) file.setLastModified(time); } } _in.close(); } /** Creates a temporary (unique) file. * @param _parent the directory in which to create the file * @param _prefix the file name prefix * @param _suffix the file names suffix * @throws IOException */ private File createTmpFile(File _parent, String _prefix, String _suffix) throws IOException { if (_parent.exists()) { if (!_parent.isDirectory()) throw new IOException("parent file "+_parent.getCanonicalPath()+" is not a directory"); } else { if (!_parent.mkdirs()) throw new IOException("couldnt create parent directory: "+_parent.getCanonicalPath()); } File result = null; do { result = new File(_parent, _prefix+nextNumber()+_suffix); } while (result.exists()); return result; } /** Creates a temporary (unique) directory. * @param _parent the directory in which to create the file * @param _prefix the file name prefix * @throws IOException */ private File createTmpDir(File _parent, String _prefix) throws IOException { File result = null; do { result = new File(_parent, _prefix+nextNumber()); } while (result.exists()); if (!result.mkdirs()) throw new IOException("couldnt create directory: "+result.getCanonicalPath()); return result; } /** deletes a File recursive * @throws IOException */ private void deleteRecursive(File _file) throws IOException { if (_file.exists()) { if (_file.isDirectory()) { File[] files = _file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0, l = files.length; i < l; ++i) deleteRecursive(files[i]); } _file.delete(); } } }