
NetRexx User's Guide, version 2.02
Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. ©
Draft of 22 May 2001
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Using the prompt option

The prompt option may be be used for interactive invocation of the translator. This requests that the processor not be ended after a file (or set of files) has been processed. Instead, you will be prompted to enter a new request. This can either repeat the process (perhaps if you have altered the source in the meantime), specify a new set of files, or alter the processing options.

On the second and subsequent runs, the processor will re-use class information loaded on the first run. Also, the classes of the processor itself (and the javac compiler, if used) will not need to be verified and JIT-compiled again. These savings allow extremely fast processing, as much as fifty times faster than the first run for small programs.

When you specify -prompt on a NetRexxC command, the NetRexx program (or programs) will initially be processed as usual, according to the other flags specified. Once processing is complete, you will be prompted thus:

  Enter new files and additional options, '=' to repeat, 'exit' to end:

At this point, you may enter:
  • One or more file names (with or without additional flags): the previous process, modified by any new flags, is repeated using the source file or files specified. Files named previously are not included in the process (unless they are named again in the new list of names).
  • Additional flags (without any new files): the previous process, modified by the new flags, is repeated, on the same files as before. Note that flags are accumulated; that is, flags are not reset to defaults between prompts.
  • The character ‘=’: this simply repeats the previous process, on the same file or files (which may have had their contents changed since the last process) and using the same flags. This is especially useful when you simply wish to re-compile (or re-interpret, see below) the same file or files after editing.
  • The word ‘exit’, which causes NetRexxC to cease execution without any more prompts.
  • Nothing (just press Enter or the equivalent) – usage hints, including the full list of possible options, etc., are displayed and you are then prompted again.

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